Matteo Fusco
Vive a Bologna
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Ciao! Sono Matteo e sono nato a Torino ma quando avevo cinque anni sono andato a vivere a Bruxelles con la mia famiglia dove sono poi stato 10 anni. Sono poi tornato in Italia a Bologna dove ho finito il liceo e l'università (triennale in Economia e Marketing, specialistica in Direzione Aziendale). Ho vissuto anche due anni negli Stati Uniti e sono tornato a settembre 2022 a Bologna dopo 12 anni vissuti in Argentina! :) Quindi come avrete capito, adoro viaggiare, conoscere nuove persone e scoprire nuovi posti e nuove culture! :)
Hi everybody! I'm Matteo, I'm originally from Torino (where I was born) but when I was a child I lived 10 years in Brussels (Belgium) before moving back to Italy, in Bologna where I finished my high school and graduated university. I lived for two years in the USA and then I went backbacking across South America and I ended up living 12 years in Argentina! I just moved back to Bologna last September! I love traveling, meeting new people, discovering new cultures and I can't wait to meet you all around the world! My day job is Marketing consultant and University professor.
I think this quote from Eduardo Galeano really represents me:
"Utopia is on the horizon. I move two steps closer; it moves two steps further away. I walk another ten steps and the horizon runs ten steps further away. As much as I may walk, I'll never reach it. So what's the point of utopia? The point is this: to keep walking.”
agosto 2025
12 giorni • 11 notti
sab, 09 ago 2025 mer, 20 ago 2025
Coordinatore Matteo Fusco