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Francesca Fogli

Vive a Savarna
Paesi visitati
I am a curious, enthusiastic and really dynamic person. I am always ready to take on new challanges and push myself to the limit. I have many passions and I cannot stay still for too much cause I am really motivated. During university I had three experiences abroad: I lived in Manchester, in Montpellier and in Saragosse. That's why I can proficiently speak english, spanish and french, so you can count on me everywhere these languages are spoken! This time living abroad taught me how to deal with new challanges, new dynamics and new cultures. I learnt to count on myself and I gained a deep sense of adaptation and a huge inclination to embrace and appreciate changes. Therefore, having always played a team sport I really understand how to work efficiently in a group and all the little tricks that are useful in a team. Finally, my job as head waitress teaches me everyday how to behave with people you don't know and a spontaneous way to take care of clients or in general people you are in contact with. Last but not least, I always ALWAYS smile! It's the most powerful weapon that we have and it's incredibly... FREE! So you'll always see me smiling :)
ottobre 2024
mer 30 ottobre
4 notti
dom 03 novembre
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Coordinatore Francesca Fogli
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