Margherita Macis
Vive a Milano
Paesi visitati
Hi everyone! My name’s Margherita and I come from Milan. I enjoy the company of others and I like to make everybody feel at ease. Whenever I'm in a group I try to understand the other people's needs and preferences. About me people say that I’m dynamic, energetic and caring. I enjoy being part of something and I participate actively in social situations but I also need time to recharge, so I do take time to relax and reflect.
I work as a freelance Neuropsychologist. I studied Psychology and then I specialized in Neuropsycology. I work with people with brain injuries, with gifted children and with children with learning disabilities like dyslexia.
A few years ago I started dancing Lindy Hop and I attend international festivals that give me the opportunity to combine a healthy and fun activity like dancing with travelling and making new friends.
What I like the most in my life? Travelling, meeting new people, having new experiences, learning from others, speaking foreign languages, understanding other cultures. I took my first flight alone at the age of sixteen when I went to London. That was when I cought the travel bug and after that I never stopped. For me travelling is like going into a parallel dimension where time expands. In the last ten years I have travelled around most of Europe and also further afield to California, Morocco, Cuba, Thailand and Jordan. And I have many more on my bucket list! I can't wait to get my backpack and get on the road!