Marlene Consoli

Vive a Casier
Paesi visitati
🌈 I love to paint life with brushstrokes of magical realism. 🫀 By dancing I love to discover the rhythm of emotions, and the precious art of being able to express oneself in an authentic way. 🌄 Between foreign cultures and oriental philosophies, I love to encounter ancient wisdom and find myself at peace in the balance and chaos. 🪻 With lightness on my shoulders, I love to immerse myself in the paths of nature, being reborn at every step. 🫂 I love telling stories with images with a gesture with accurate words.... because the joy of sharing with others has made me one visual and sound poetess of all the Odysseys of life. As a trip coordinator, I would like to be able to create an atmosphere of sharing and learning, where each participant can feel part of a real family on the trip. The goal is to learn through experience to make trips as smooth and memorable as possible by providing support, organizing engaging activities, and ensuring that every detail is taken care of.